Design Team: Zsófia Schaendl, Sándor Dúzs

WIENERBERGER Houses - Open Architectural Design Competition
1st prize
Project Team:
Sándor Dúzs, Zsófia Schaendl
Evaluation of the winning entry:
The proposed system is the most flexible of the submitted entries, and its functional units are well structured. A special advantage is that the individual elements are "interchangeable", several versions can be designed for each unit, which can easily follow the deviations arising from the customer's needs, without this affecting the external appearance of the building….
The proposed design-family fully satisfies the aspect of developability. Our domestic traditions can be seen in action, in the rational layout of the plans and in their simplicity. It is functionally modern, its mass formation and external appearance are a faithful reflection of the internal content….
The design family can also be developed afterwards without disturbing the existing parts.